Byleth×Ignatz Support Conversations
C Support
イグナーツ: ………………。
Ignatz: Hm. Hmm…
Byleth: …
イグナーツ: ………………。
Ignatz: Uhh... Mmm...
Byleth: …
イグナーツ: ……よし、構図は決まったぞ。
Ignatz: OK. I've decided on the composition.
Byleth: 構図? Composition?
イグナーツ: ええ、次の絵の構図です……って!うわあああ! 先生!?
いつから!? いつからそこに?もしかしてボクのこと見てたんですか?
Ignatz: That's right, the composition for my next paint... Wait! Professor? How long have you been standing there? You haven't been watching me, have you? Uh, no, I misspoke! Did I say painting? I meant to say, uh...
Byleth: 絵を描くの? You paint?
イグナーツ: ……あはは、前からここの風景は絵にしたいなって思ってまして……。
皆さん、何かありますよね? 趣味。先生だって何かあるでしょう?
Ignatz: Well, I've thought for a while that it might be nice to paint the scenery here. The contours of that tree, set against the stark shapes of the faraway peaks... Of course, I only paint after I've finished my chores. I'd never put my at before my responsibilities! My studies are paramount. I shall always uphold my duties as a student of the Officers Academy! Whereas art is...a hobby of mine, you might say. Everyone has hobbies, right? I'm sure you have one.
Choice 1: まったくない No, none.
Choice 2: 思いつかない Nothing comes to mind.
イグナーツ: え……いや、先生はそうかもしれませんが、皆さんありますよ? 趣味くらい。
駄目ですか? 先生が駄目と仰るなら、もうやめます。もう描きません……!
Ignatz: Oh! Well, perhaps it's different for you, Professor. But it's perfectly normal for people to have hobbies. Reading, for instance. Or fishing, or taking midday naps. For me, it's making art. Hobbies are healthy! They're a good way of relieving stress. You might consider taking up a hobby, Professor. Anything to clear your mind. Think about it. It's much easier to focus if you're feeling refreshed. There isn't a rule against hobbies, is there? If you tell me to stop, I'll stop. I shall never again put brush to canvas!
Choice 1: そうは言ってない That's not what I'm saying.
Choice 2: どんどん描いたらいい Paint as much as you like.
イグナーツ: え……描いてもいいんですか?
Ignatz: Really? It's OK for me to paint?
Well... I mean, if you're sure.
But really, it's nothing more than a little diversion. A frivolous pastime.
Um, I think I ought to go back to my quarters now, if it's all the same to you.
B Support
イグナーツ: よし、今日もあの場所で絵を……
せ、先生! あ、いえ、何でもないんです。今日は良いお天気ですね!
Ignatz: All right, time to sneak off and do some painting... Professor! S-such lovely weather today, huh? I was, ah, just about to go for a walk.
Byleth: 持っている紙の束は何? Why are you bringing paper?
イグナーツ: こ、これは、その……。すみません、絵を描こうかな、と……。
Ignatz: What, this? No, it's uh... Oh, I'm sorry, Professor. I'll admit it. I was going to do some painting.
You remember the place where we talked before? I've been painting the scenery there.
I'm still keeping up with my academics and training, of course!
I just paint in my spare time as a change of pace.
Choice 1: 別に責めてはいない I'm not accusing you.
Choice 2: 堂々と描いたらいいのに You don't have to hide it.
イグナーツ: え……そうなんですか?あ、でも、そうですよね……。
Ignatz: Oh. You're not? Ah, well, yes, I suppose you're not.
イグナーツ: え……いいんですか?あ、でも、そうですよね……。
Ignatz: Oh. I don't? Ah, well, yes. Maybe you're right.
イグナーツ: ボク、勝手に慌ててしまって……ごめんなさい。
Ignatz: I may have gotten ahead of myself. I'm sorry for panicking there. Honestly...I'm just worried that my father will find out that I've been painting.
Byleth: 知らせるつもりはない I'm not going to tell him.
イグナーツ: ……ですよね。わざわざそんなこと、しませんよね……。
Ignatz: Of course. Why would you go out of your way to tell him that? Completely illogical of me. But it seems I've developed a bit of a complex about it. My father's not a fan of my artistic pastime, you see. We're a merchant family, and my older brother is set to inherit the business. As for me, my father decided I should be a knight. That's why I'm at the academy. Painting won't help me become a knight. It's a waste of time...
Byleth: 罪悪感がある? Is that why you feel guilty about it?
イグナーツ: そう……なんです。親の期待を裏切っているような気がして。
Ignatz: Well, yes. I feel like I'm betraying my parents. I hear that business has been slow for them over the past few years. If I become a knight for an influential noble house, I could use my connections to help support them. My father was determined to send me here. He must have been, considering the enormous amount of money he spent. I don't think I'm well suited to being a knight. My parents sent me to the academy for their sake, not my own. When I think about how hard my family is working just to stay in business, how can I sit idly by? All of which is just to say that painting will have to remain my little hobby, nothing more. Not that I could make a career out of it, even if I want to. That's just a fantasy.
A Support
イグナーツ: これ……珍しいな……。すごいぞ、こんな色なかなか……。
Ignatz: How incredible. What a striking color. Ah, Professor! Look at this stone. Such a brilliant blue. You don't normally find stones like this around here. I ought to grind it down. I wonder if it would still be the same color.
Byleth: 顔料? Why would you grind it down?
イグナーツ: 絵の色づけに使うんです。売られている物は高価なので、なるべく自作してるんですよ。
Ignatz: To make pigment for my art! Good supplies don't come cheap. I prefer to make my own. Blue is especially expensive. How fortunate that I chanced upon this remarkable blueness! Oh, I'm sorry. There I go again, blathering on and on about painting.
Byleth: 息抜き、では? Well, it's just a hobby, right?
イグナーツ: はい、でも息抜きにしては、ちょっと夢中になりすぎてました……ははは。
Ignatz: Oh yes, but I know that I can get rather caught up in it and, ah, enthusiastic. You know, Professor, no matter how impassioned I become about my art, you never hold it against me. One could argue that I'm better off preparing for our next battle. I am becoming a knight.
Choice 1: 本当は絵師になりたいのでは? Wouldn't you rather become an artist?
Choice 2: 気持ちに正直になったほうがいい You should become an artist.
イグナーツ: え……。
Ignatz: Oh, Professor. Please don't say things like that. I gave up on my artistic dreams long ago. To support my family, I will be a knight. That's that.
Choice 1: 後悔しない? Will you regret that choice?
Choice 2: きっと後悔する You'll regret that choice.
イグナーツ: はい、もう決めたことですから。だけど……
Ignatz: No. I know it's the right thing to do.
イグナーツ: いえ、もう決めたことですから。だけど……
Ignatz: No, I won't. I'm doing the right thing.
イグナーツ: 趣味としては続けようと思います!というより、やめられないと思います。
Ignatz: I'll continue with my art as a hobby. I don't think I could ever give it up.
When I see something beautiful, I can't suppress the urge to paint it. I don't have a choice.
And if my art can bring happiness to even one person, that's good enough for me.
Byleth: 納得しているなら、それでいい As long as you're sure.
イグナーツ: ………………。
Ignatz: …Professor, I have a favor to ask. I'm painting a portrait right now. When it's finished, I'd like to give the piece to you. Would you take it? Perhaps it can bring you a little happiness. That will have made the effort well worth it.
イグナーツ: 良かった! 約束ですよ?ボク、全力で描きますから!
Ignatz: Oh, excellent! Is that a promise? Because I'm really going to put my heart into it. Ah, that is. I'm going to enjoy partaking in this casual hobby of mine!
S Support
イグナーツ: 先生!酷いじゃないですか!
Ignatz: I don't believe it.
Byleth: 何が? Don't believe what?
イグナーツ: 絵のことですよ、先生に贈った絵です!
Ignatz: The painting I gave you! It was meant for you, and you alone. You weren't supposed to show it to anyone...but you hung it in the reception hall!
Byleth: 素晴らしい絵だったから…… It's beautiful. You should be proud.
イグナーツ: 先生が勝手にそんなことしたおかげで……
Ignatz: Because of all that you've done… Now everyone knows...including my father. He's heard so much praise that he and my brother want to see it. He even told me that I should be an artist. That I'm more likely to succeed as an artist than a knight.
Byleth: 良かったね That's good, isn't it?
イグナーツ: ありがとう、先生……。ボク、諦めてた夢を取り戻せました。
Ignatz: Yes. I've dreamed of being an artist for so long... I stopped believing it would actually happen. You know, for that painting, I thought of the most beautiful thing in the world.
Byleth: あれは、女神? The goddess, you mean?
イグナーツ: はい、天上より降臨して人々を導く、女神ソティスの姿です。
イグナーツ: これを……受け取ってもらえませんか?
Ignatz: Well, yes. It was a portrait of Sothis, the goddess who descended from heaven to guide humanity. But when I was painting her, I couldn't stop thinking of you. You are the most beautiful thing in the world. And beyond that... OK, here goes nothing. I want you to please accept this. Please. Do you...accept? I can't measure up to you. You're the hero of Fódlan, and I'm just a painter. But I can't lie to myself any longer. I can't live my whole life denying myself what makes me the happiest. You taught me that. Taught me to see myself. You taught me everything. You've always been so patient and attentive. You never made me feel small, or denied my feelings. You soothed my troubled soul. You are my goddess. I want to be with you for the rest of my love you for all eternity. I want to paint your beauty in portrait after portrait. I want to stay by your side—for now, and forever. Will you let me?
Byleth: I would be honored.
イグナーツ: ……!? え、今、はいって……?本当ですか? 相手はボクですよ?
Ignatz: What?! Did you say what I think you said? You're accepting me as your partner? I asked you because I didn't want to live with the regret of not asking. I decided to be honest, expecting you to spurn me, and yet... You said yes. You said yes! You said—
Byleth: イグナーツ! しっかり! Ignatz! Get a hold of yourself!
イグナーツ: は、はい……!すみません、気を失うところでした。
Ignatz: Ah, right, sorry. Whew. I almost fainted there. You're sure though? Absolutely positive?
Byleth: いい I'm sure.
イグナーツ: ボク、頑張ります!あなたに相応しい男になってみせます!
Ignatz: Then I promise to do whatever it takes to be a respectable man, worthy of your partnership. With my paintings, I will bring the world happiness! The same happiness that I feel when I look at you, my beloved goddess. Sorry, was that too much? Maybe I should just leave it at this... I love you. With all of my soul.
Goddess Tower
イグナーツ: ………………。
Ignatz: ...
Ignatz: Gah! Is that you, Goddess?!
Ignatz: Professor! Ah. I'm sorry, I thought you were the goddess.
Byleth: そんなわけない That's ridiculous.
イグナーツ: あはは……それはそうですよね。本当に現れたらボクもびっくりです。
Ignatz: You're right, you're right. Imagine, if she just appeared out of nowhere!
Ignatz: Do you know of that old legend, Professor?
Byleth: あの伝説? Old legend?
イグナーツ: はい、今夜この女神の塔で、男女が何か約束事をすると……
Ignatz: Yes. It's said that if a man and a woman make a vow tonight at the Goddess Tower...
She will appear before them and bless them, ensuring that vow's fulfillment.
Byleth: そんなわけない Ridiculous.
イグナーツ: あはは……それはそうですよね。本当に現れたらボクもびっくりですって。
Ignatz: I know, but can you imagine if she just appeared out of nowhere?
Still... Maybe, even if we can't see her, we can sense her presence.
I envision the goddess as the most beautiful creature in the world...
More beautiful than any landscape, any artwork. Utterly beyond compare.
That's what I think anyway. Or perhaps, what I hope.
Ignatz: Since I first heard that legend, I've wanted to try it and perhaps meet the goddess.
Byleth: 伝説が本当だとしても…… But if the legend's true...
イグナーツ: ああ、言いたいことはわかります。一人じゃ女神様も現れてくれませんよね。
あ、ちょっと今の発言は問題がありました!撤回します! 覗きの趣味はありません!
Ignatz: Yes, I know what you're getting at. She would never appear before a single person.
Frankly, I didn't know any girls well enough to invite them here.
So I was hoping a couple would come along, and I could sneak a peek...
Wait! That came out wrong! I take that back. I have absolutely no intention of peeking!
Byleth: 何か、約束してみる? Shall we make a vow?
イグナーツ: え!? 先生とボクがですか?
Ignatz: What? You I suppose we do fit the criteria, but are you certain you would want to do that?
イグナーツ: じゃあじゃあ、是非お願いします!何を約束しましょうか?
Ignatz: In that case, let's try it! What should our vow be? Please, pick whatever sounds best to you!
Choice 1: フォドラを平和にする Peace for Fódlan.
Choice 2: 皆を幸せにする Happiness for all.
イグナーツ: はい! ボクにはちょっと大きすぎる約束な気もしますが、いいですよ!
Ignatz: Of course. Might be a little ambitious, but let's give it a try!
Choice 3: 自分に正直に生きる May you live your life honestly.
イグナーツ: え……はい、わかりました!それでいいです!
Ignatz: Oh? Oh! I see! Yes, that's a wonderful vow.
イグナーツ: では、祈りましょう……!
Ignatz: Now, let us pray.
Ignatz: ...
イグナーツ: ……!今、女神様が近くにいたような気が……!?
Ignatz: Did you feel that?! I think the goddess is near!
Byleth: そんなわけがない Still ridiculous.
イグナーツ: あはは……そうですよねえ。
Ignatz: You're right, of course.